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Historical resources for Western Australian History


Pamela Statham Drew has compiled the following list of Books and Articles relating to the History of Western Australia.

If you know of any books or articles that could be added to the list please contact Pamela at

Two World Wars

Book Title
Published By
Gregory, J.
On the Home Front
UWAP 1996
Grey, J. A.
A Military History of Australia
Cambridge 1990
Joske, P., Jeffrey, C. and Hopffman, L.
Rottnest Island A Documentary History
Singapore 1995
Manners, Norm
Bullwinkle: The true Story of Vivian Bullwinkle, a young Army nursing sister, who was the sole survivor of the Banca Massacre
Hesperian Press 2000
Oliver, B.
War and Peace in Western Australia. The social and political impact of the Great War
Nedlands, WA 1995
Stephens, John
The Importance and Care of Western Australian War Memorials - Remembering the Wars.
Perth: Black Swan Press, 2008
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