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Historical resources for Western Australian History


Pamela Statham Drew has compiled the following list of Books and Articles relating to the History of Western Australia.

If you know of any books or articles that could be added to the list please contact Pamela at

Pre European Australia

Book Title
Published By
Bates, Daisy
Aboriginal Perth and Bibbulmun Biographies and Legends
Brown & McIntyre
Aborigines of the King Georges Sound 1836-38
Butlin, N. G.
Our Initial Aggression
Allen & Unwin 1993
Butlin, N. G.
Economics of the Dreamtime
Dingle, T.
The Aboriginal Economy
McPhee Gribble 1988
Frost, Alan
Botany Bay Mirages: Illusions of Australia's Convict Beginnings
MUP 1994 Chapter's 9,10 and 11
Hercock, M.
Born in the Desert
Oldfield, A.
On the Aborigines of Australia
Wilkes, Richard
Bulmurn: A Swan River Nyoongar
UWAP 1995
Wilmot, Eric
Pemulwuy - The Rainbow Warrior
Weldon's, Sydney 1987
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