Jack Honniball joined the Sate Library in 1958 and worked in the old building until moving into Alexander Library in 1985. He was employed for most of his working life until his retirement in 1989 by the State Library, and spent much of that time as head of the State Film Archives. His knowledge of all the collections in Battye Library is extensive and impressive, and his tenacity and research ability are renowned.
He has written more than ten articles for the Royal Western Australian Historical Society, which in 1986 conferred on him their highest honour - Fellowship of the Society.
A member of the Friends of Battye Library since its inception and a very strong supporter, Jack is noted as the author of the last page in our newsletter, the chatty Jack's back page which for many years has been a regular and much appreciated contribution.
Friends of Battye Library would like to add to your many honours, Jack, by listing you as a "Gem of Time" - a list that will last to knowledge the contribution of outstanding men and women to the recording, collection and preservation of Western Australia's history.