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Historical resources for Western Australian History

Pamela Statham Drew has compiled the following list of Books and Articles relating to the History of Western Australia.

If you know of any books or articles that could be added to the list please contact Pamela at


Book Title
Published by
Alexander, F.
Australia Since Federation, Introduction and Chapter 1
Craven, Greg
Conversations with the Constitution: Not Just a Piece of Paper
Deakin, A.
The Federal Story
MUP, 1944
Evans, R. Moore, C. Saunders, K. & Jamison, B.
1901 Our Future’s Past
Macmillan 1997
La Nauze, J.A.
The making of the Australian Constitution
Melbourne 1972
McQueen, H.
Social Sketches of Australia 1888?1975
Penguin 1978
Pegrum, Roger
The Bush Capital: How Australia chose Canberra to be its federal city
Hale & Iremonger 1983
Portus, G.V.
Australia: An Economic Interpretation
Ch.6. `Getting Together'
Shann, E.
An Economic History of Australia
1930, Ch. XX
Shaw, A.G.L.
Economic Development in Australia
1969 Ch.12 & 13
White, C
Mastering Risk
OUP 1992
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