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Historical resources for Western Australian History

Pamela Statham Drew has compiled the following list of Books and Articles relating to the History of Western Australia.

If you know of any books or articles that could be added to the list please contact Pamela at


Book Title
Published by
1978 Supplement no. 3 to Botanists of the Eucalypts (CSIRO 1978)
Division of Forestry & Forest Products User Ser. no. 10, CSIRO, Australia, 1989 Division of Forestry User Ser. no. 6, CSIRO, Australia, 1992
Aitken, R. & Looker, M. (eds)
The Oxford Companion to Australian Gardens
Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, 2002
Archer, B. & Maroske, S.
Sarah Theresa Brooks – plant collector for Ferdinand Mueller
Victorian Naturalist 113: 188-194, 1996
Barker, R.M. & Barker, W.R.
Botanical contributions overlooked: the role and recognition of collectors, horticulturists, explorers and others in the early documentation of the Australian flora
pp 37–85 in P.S.Short (ed.), History of Systematic Botany in Australasia, Australian Systematic Botany Society, Inc., [South Yarra], 1990
Carr, D.J. & Carr, S.G.M. (eds)
People and Plants in Australia
Academic Press Australia, Sydney, 1981
Carr, D.J. & Carr, S.G.M. (eds)
Plants and Man in Australia
Academic Press Australia, Sydney, 1981
Clark, D. (translator, editor)
Baron Charles von Hügel: New Holland Journal November 1833–October 1834
Melbourne University Press, Miegunyah Press, Carlton, in association with The State Library of New South Wales, 1994
Cowan, R.A. & Ducker, S.C.
A history of systematic phycology in Australia
pp 1–65 in P.M.McCarthy & A.E.Orchard (eds), Algae of Australia: Introduction, Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra, & CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, 2004
Curry, S., Maslin, B. & Maslin, J.
Allan Cunningham: Australian Collecting Localities
Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra, 2001
Davies, S.J.J.F. (ed.)
The Drummond Symposium: A Review of the Work of James Drummond, the first Government Botanist in Western Australia
Curtin University of Technology Dept of Environmental Biology Bulletin no. 27, 2005
Ducker, S.C.
History of Australian phycology: early German collectors and botanists
pp 43–51 in A.Wheeler & J.H.Price (eds), History in the Service of Systematics, Society for the Bibliography of Natural History Special Pub. no. 1, Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, London, 1981
Ducker, S.C.
The Contented Botanist: Letters of W.H. Harvey about Australia and the Pacific
Melbourne University Press at the Miegunyah Press, Carlton, 1988
Ducker, S.C.
History of Australian phycology: the significance of early French exploration
Brunonia 2: 19–42, 1979
Duyker, E.
Citizen Labillardière: A Naturalist’s Life in Revolution and Exploration (1755–1834)
The Miegunyah Press, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, 2003
Duyker, E. & Duyker, M. (eds, translators)
Bruny d’Entrecasteaux: Voyage to Australia & the Pacific 1791–1793
Melbourne University Press, Carlton South, 2001
Erickson, D.
A Joy Forever: The Story of Kings Park & Botanic Garden
Botanic Gardens & Parks Authority, West Perth, 2008
Erickson, D.
A Joy Forever: The Story of Kings Park & Botanic Garden
Botanic Gardens & Parks Authority, West Perth, 2008
Erickson, R.
The Drummonds of Hawthornden
Lamb Paterson, Osborne Park, 1969
Erickson, R.
A Naturalist’s Life
University of Western Australia Press, Crawley, 2005
Erickson, R., ed. L.Layman
Rica’s Stories
The Royal WA Historical Society (Inc.), Nedlands, 2001
Finney, C.M.
To Sail Beyond the Sunset: Natural History in Australia 1699–1829
Rigby Publishers, Adelaide, 1984
Fornasiero, J., Monteath, P. & West-Sooby, J.
Encountering Terra Australis: The Australian Voyages of Nicolas Baudin and Matthew Flinders
Wakefield Press, Kent Town, 2004
Galloway, D. J. & Groves, E. W.
Archibald Menzies MD, FLS (1754–1842), aspects of his life, travels and collections
Archives of Natural History 14: 3–43, 1987
Gardner, C.A.
The history of botanical investigation in Western Australia
pp 40–52 in A.Gibb Maitland (ed.), Science in Western Australia: A Handbook and a Review for the Use of Members of the Association, Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, Eighteenth Meeting, Perth August 1926, Government Printer, Perth, 1926
Gardner, W.
Charles Austin Gardner MBE: from boyhood to a life of great achievement
New Norcia Studies 11: 38–48, 2003
George, A.
A tribute to Rica Erickson
Western Word 22 (9): 5, 14, 1998
George, A. & Jordan, C.
A heritage of botanical art
Voices 3 (1): 92-106, 1993
George, A. & RSWA Council
Obituary Brian John Grieve
Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 80: 289–290, 1997
George, A.S.
pp 138–140 in J.Gregory & J.Gothard (eds), Historical Encyclopedia of Western Australia, University of Western Australia Press, Crawley, 2009
George, A.S.
Australian Botanist’s Companion
Four Gables Press, Kardinya, 2009
George, A.S.
Appendix 2 Plants in Western Australian Exploration volume 1 December 1826–December 1835 Hesperian Press, Carlisle, 2005
pp 386–402 in M.Hercock et al. (eds), Western Australian Exploration 1836–1845 vol. 2. Hesperian Press, Victoria Park (2011)
George, A.S.
James Drummond’s date and place of birth
Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 131–132: 4, 2007
George, A.S.
William Dampier in New Holland: Australia’s First Natural Historian
Bloomings Books, Hawthorn, 1999
George, A.S.
Appendix 3 Plants in Western Australian Exploration 1836–1845
pp 403–411 in M.Hercock et al. (eds), Western Australian Exploration 1836–1845 vol. 2. Hesperian Press, Victoria Park (2011)
George, A.S.
Collections, plant
pp 211–212 in J.Gregory & J.Gothard (eds), Historical Encyclopedia of Western Australia, University of Western Australia Press, Crawley, 2009
George, A.S.
A centenary observed – Charles Gardner
Wildflower Society of Western Australia Newsletter 34, 4: 15–18, 1996
Gooding, J.
Brush with Gondwana: The Botanical Artists Group of Western Australia
Fremantle Press, Fremantle, 2008
Gooding, J.
Wildflowers in Art
Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, 1991
Grieve, B.J.
Botany in Western Australia: a survey of progress 1900– 1971
Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 58: 33–53, 1975
Hall, N.
Botanists of Australian Acacias Supplement No 1 to Botanists of Australian Acacias (CSIRO 1984)
CSIRO, Melbourne, 1984 Division of Forestry, User Ser. no. 13, CSIRO, Australia, 1993
Hall, N.
Botanists of the Eucalypts Supplement to Botanists of the Eucalypts (CSIRO 1978) Supplement no. 2 to Botanists of the Eucalypts (CSIRO,
CSIRO, Melbourne, 1978 Division of Forest Research Internal Report 9, CSIRO, Australia, 1979
Hasluck, A.
Portrait with Background [Georgiana Molloy]
Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1955
Hewson, H.
Australia: 300 Years of Botanical Illustration
CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, 1999
Hilton, R.N.
The Preiss collections of Western Australian fungi [Ludwig Preiss]
Nuytsia 6: 295–304, 1988
Hopper, S.D.
South-western Australia, Cinderella of the world’s temperate floristic regions, part 1
Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 20: 101–126, 2003
Hopper, S.D.
South-western Australia, Cinderella of the world’s temperate floristic regions, part 2
Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 21: 132–180, 2004
Labillardière, J.J.H. de
English translation as Voyage in Search of La Pérouse, Performed by Order of the Constituent Assembly, During the Years 1791, 1792, 1793, and 1794
John Stockdale, London, 1800; facsimile, Bibliotheca Australiana # 67, N.Israel, Amsterdam, & Da Capo Press, New York, 1971
Labillardière, J.J.H. de
Relation du Voyage à la Recherche de la Pérouse fait par ordre de l’Assemblée Constituante etc.
2 vols, H.J.Jansen, Paris, 1799, 1800
Lamb, W.K. (ed.)
George Vancouver: a Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and Round the World 1791–1795
4 vols, 2nd series vols 163–166, The Hakluyt Society, London, 1984
Lines, W.J.
An All Consuming Passion: Origins, Modernity, and the Australian Life of Georgiana Molloy
Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, 1994
Mabberley, D.J.
Jupiter Botanicus: Robert Brown of the British Museum
J.Cramer, Braunschweig, 1985
Maiden, J.H.
Records of the earlier French botanists as regards Australian plants
Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 44: 123–155, plates III–XIII, 1910
Maiden, J.H.
Records of Australian botanists: second supplement
J. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales 55: 150–169, 1921
Maiden, J.H.
Records of Western Australian botanists
Journal of the Western Australian Natural History Society 6: 5–27, 1909. [see note, J. Nat. Hist. Sci. Soc. W. Australia 3 (1): 42 (1910)]
Maiden, J.H.
Records of Australian botanists: first supplement
Report of the 13th Meeting of the Australasia Association for the Advancement of Science held at Sydney, 1911 224–243, plates 20, 21, 1912
Maiden, J.H.
Records of Australian botanists who have dealt with the flora of Western Australia
Journal of the Western Australian Natural History Society 6: 28–33, 1909
Marchant, L.R.
An Island unto Itself: William Dampier and New Holland
Hesperian Press, Victoria Park, 1988
Marchant, N.G.
The Western Australian collecting localities of J.A.L.Preiss
pp 131–135 in P.S.Short (ed.), History of Botany in Australasia, Australian Systematic Botany Society, [South Yarra], 1990
May, T.W.
History of the study of Australian Agaricales
pp 265–272 in P.S.Short (ed.), History of Botany in Australasia, Australian Systematic Botany Society, [South Yarra], 1990
May, T.W. & Pascoe, I.G.
History of the taxonomic study of Australian fungi
pp 171–206 in A.E.Orchard (ed.), Fungi of Australia vol. 1A Introduction—Classification, Australian Biological Resources Study/CSIRO, Canberra, 1996
McCarthy, J.
Monkey Puzzle Man: Archibald Menzies, Plant Hunter
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, & Whittles Publishing, Dunbeath, 2007
McGillivray, D.J.
Johann August Ludwig Preiss (1811–1883) in Western Australia
Telopea 1: 1–18, 1975
Nelson, E.C.
The collectors and type locations of some of Labillardière’s “Terra van Leeuwin” (Western Australia) specimens
Taxon 24: 319-336, 1975
Orchard, A.E.
A history of systematic botany in Australia
pp 11-103 in A.E.Orchard & H.S.Thompson (eds), Flora of Australia vol. 1, 2nd edn, ABRS/CSIRO, Melbourne, 1999
Parbery, I.H. & Sheather, W.H.
Aspects of Australian mycology: 1800–1900
pp 253–258 in P.S.Short (ed.), History of Botany in Australasia, Australian Systematic Botany Society, [South Yarra], 1990
Patrick, S.
[Georgiana Molloy]
pp 131-141 in M.Calver et al. (eds), Proc. 6th Natl Conf. Austral. Forest. Hist. Soc. Inc., Millpress, Rotterdam, 2005
Pearce, R.
French doctor-naturalists in Western Australia
Early Days: Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society 11: 56–65, 1995
Pearn, J.
Dr William Blackall
pp 89–90 in J.Pearn, A Doctor in the Garden: Nomen Medici in Botanicis, Australian Flora and the World of Medicine, Amphion Press, Brisbane, 2001
Ramsay, H.P.
History of research on Australian mosses
pp 1–19 in P.M.McCarthy (ed.), Flora of Australia 51, Mosses 1, Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra, & CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, 2006
Serventy, D.L.
Obituary C. A. Gardner, M.B.E.
The Western Australian Naturalist 11: 168–172, 1970
Sharr, F.A.
Western Australian Plant Names and their Meaning: a Glossary
University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, 1978, reprinted with amendments 1988, enlarged edn 1996
Short, P.S. (ed.)
History of Systematic Botany in Australasia
Australian Systematic Botany Society, [South Yarra], 1990
Smith, G.G.
Pioneer seashore botanists in Western Australia
Journal and Proceedings of the Western Australian Historical Society 4 (5): 86–102, 1953
Smith, G.G.
Pioneer botanists of Western Australia
Journal of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society 8 (6): 59–73, 1982
Underwood, R.
A Botanical Journey: The Story of the Western Australian Herbarium
Department of Environment and Conservation, Perth, 2011
Underwood, R.
The plant key: a missing element in Western Australian botany
pp 96–98 in R.Underwood, A Botanical Journey: The Story of the Western Australian Herbarium, Department of Environment and Conservation, Perth, 2011
Underwood, R.
A Botanical Journey: The Story of the Western Australian Herbarium
Department of Environment and Conservation, Perth, 2011
Vallance, T.G., Moore, D.T. & Groves, E.W.
Nature’s Investigator: the Diary of Robert Brown in Australia, 1801-1805
Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra, 2001
Vellacott, H. (ed.)
Some Recollections of a Happy Life: Marianne North in Australia and New Zealand
Edward Arnold Australia, Caulfield East, 1986
Wege, J., George, A.S., Gathe, J., Lemson, K. & Napier, K.D. (eds)
Matthew Flinders and his Scientific Gentlemen: The Expedition of HMS Investigator to Australia, 1801–1805
Western Australian Museum, Perth, 2005
Whittell, E.[sic; H.] M.
The visits of John Gilbert, naturalist, to Swan River colony
Journal of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society 4, 1: 23–53, 1949
Willis, J.H., Pearson, D., Davis, M.T. & Green, J.W.
Australian plants: collectors and illustrators 1780s-1980s
Western Australian Herbarium Research Notes 12, 1986
Womersley, H.B.S.
The history of studies of southern Australian marine algae
pp 32–37 in H.B.S.Womersley, The Marine Benthic Flora of Southern Australia, part 1, Handbooks Committee, [Adelaide], 1984
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